5 Reasons to Choose a G37 Supercharger Kit

5 Reasons to Choose a G37 Supercharger Kit

The Infiniti G37, a symbol of luxury and performance, offers a thrilling driving experience. However, for car enthusiasts looking to elevate this experience, the G37 supercharger kit stands out as a popular modification. This kit not only boosts the engine’s power output but also enhances the overall driving dynamics. In this article, we delve deep into the world of G37 superchargers, exploring their benefits, installation processes, and much more.

G37 Supercharger Kit: A Gateway to Enhanced Performance

Understanding the Basics of Supercharging

Supercharging is a method of forcing extra air into the combustion chamber of an engine. More air, combined with more fuel, results in a significant increase in power output. The G37 supercharger kit typically includes a supercharger unit, intercooler, and necessary piping and hardware for installation. It’s designed specifically to fit the G37’s engine layout, ensuring a seamless enhancement of its capabilities.

Key Components of the G37 Supercharger Kit

The heart of any supercharger kit is the supercharger itself. For the G37, centrifugal superchargers are commonly used due to their efficiency and compact design. These are complemented by intercoolers that help cool the compressed air, thus increasing its density and further boosting engine performance. High-quality tubing connects these components, ensuring minimal loss of pressure and maximum efficiency.

5 Reasons to Choose a G37 Supercharger Kit

Installation Insights: Setting Up Your G37 Supercharger

Professional Installation vs. DIY

While some car enthusiasts might consider installing a supercharger kit themselves, it’s generally recommended to have it installed by a professional. This ensures that the kit is installed correctly and safely, maximizing its performance benefits and minimizing the risk of damage to your vehicle.

Expected Time and Costs

The installation of a G37 supercharger kit can take anywhere from a few hours to a full day, depending on the complexity of the kit and the installer’s experience. Costs can vary widely but expect to invest in both the kit and the labor for installation. It’s an investment that pays dividends in the form of enhanced driving pleasure and performance.

Performance Benefits of the G37 Supercharger Kit

Immediate Increase in Horsepower and Torque

One of the most compelling reasons to install a supercharger kit is the immediate boost in horsepower and torque. This can transform your G37 from a quick car into a high-performance machine, capable of impressive acceleration and more dynamic handling.

Enhanced Throttle Response and Engine Efficiency

Apart from raw power, superchargers improve throttle response, making the car feel more responsive to driver inputs. Additionally, because superchargers are powered mechanically by the engine’s crankshaft, they can be more efficient in delivering power compared to turbochargers, which rely on exhaust gases.

Maintaining Your Supercharged G37

Regular Checks and Balances

Maintaining a supercharged G37 isn’t drastically different from maintaining a standard model, but there are a few additional aspects to keep in mind. Regular checks on the supercharger system, such as inspecting belts and hoses for wear and ensuring that all connections are secure, are essential.

Impact on Fuel Economy and Engine Wear

It’s important to note that while a supercharger can significantly increase performance, it can also impact fuel economy and engine wear. More power means more strain on the engine, so enhanced maintenance is crucial to keep everything running smoothly.

Real-Life Experiences with the G37 Supercharger Kit

Testimonials and Case Studies

“Installing the G37 supercharger was a game-changer for my driving experience,” shares John Doe, a car enthusiast. “The increased power and improved throttle response make every drive thrilling.”

Before and After Performance Metrics

Many users report significant improvements in 0-60 times and quarter-mile speeds after installing a supercharger. These tangible metrics speak to the effectiveness of the G37 supercharger kit in enhancing vehicle performance.

5 Reasons to Choose a G37 Supercharger Kit

FAQs About the G37 Supercharger Kit

What is the average cost of a G37 supercharger kit?
How long does it take to install a supercharger kit on a G37?
Can installing a supercharger void my vehicle’s warranty?
What is the expected increase in horsepower with a G37 supercharger kit?
Is it necessary to upgrade other parts of my G37 when installing a supercharger?
How often should the supercharger system be checked for maintenance?


The G37 supercharger kit is not just an upgrade; it’s a transformation. It promises not only enhanced performance but also a more exhilarating driving experience. Whether you’re a seasoned car enthusiast or a newcomer to car modifications, the benefits of supercharging your G37 are clear. With the right kit, professional installation, and regular maintenance, your G37 can reach new heights of automotive excellence.